3 Days and Counting...

It has been 3 days since my husband has made me cry (inadvertently). He’s thinking about getting one of those “this many days without incident” boards like you see in workplaces.

Don’t get me wrong. He doesn’t do mean things or try to make me cry.

I’m just a bit sensitive at the moment.

Last week I was a tearful puddle because I was worried that I had upset him when I threw him out of the kitchen to make dinner. (He was happy as a clam on the couch with his laptop playing a game.)

I’ve read that when you’re pregnant with a boy, you aren’t supposed to be as emotional as when you are having a girl.

I think that’s a lie.

3 days has been an accomplishment.

Its random things that set you off. Most people assume that your emotional sensitivity is triggered by things like puppies. 

No tears here! 

And diaper commercials.

Not here either! 

Not me.

The most recent movie I cried at? Transformers 3, Dark Side of the Moon. It was so sad when those two auto bots were hostages and one of them didn’t make it!!  I totally lost it.

Also any movie or commercial with a grandpa type character. I start to sniffle as soon as I see them on the screen.

One of Hubby’s favorite movies is Captain America
Which is also off limits right now. 
SPOILER ALERT HE NEVER GETS HIS DATE!! Oh man. I can’t watch it cause I know what’s coming.

Side note: I’ve decided I want my son to be like Captain America. Or if not I would settle for a Tony Stark. You know. Hypothetically. 

Welcome to my pregnant mind.

Anyways, back to the crying. I may or may not have cried over orange juice that I forgot to bring home with me.

It was really good OJ!

Either way, we’ve found something that seems to sort of ground the emotional haywire the last few days. If the sun is still out (which is later and later these days, thank you summer) all Hubby has to do is propel me to our patio and plop me into my rocking chair and we hang out for about 15 minutes and whatever life altering anxiety or tearful trauma was brewing is magically whisked away and all is right with the world.

On the one night that it was too late to sit on the patio, we discovered that cleaning something does the trick too. Even something as simple as running the vacuum in the living room, or doing the dishes would probably do the trick. It makes me feel like I’m doing something to get ready for the baby, which totally changes whatever mood I’m in to calm.

Hopefully these tricks hold up, because I am out of Kleenex until my next trip to the store!

3 days without incident.


  1. haha I love it! I can't wait to see you and your pregnant self in a month. I expect you will cry when I come over?

    1. haha it's possible that i will! but you never know these days. lol


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